Elon Musk and the Great Blue Checkmark Robbery: Who Will Survive?

The Snarky Wonk
4 min readApr 20, 2023


Blue Check Blues Mayhem on Twitter as verified users cry foul in the Wake of Verification Apocalypse!

In a stunning display of irony, on the same day that Elon Musk reached a major milestone with his SpaceX plans to take humans to Mars, what is trending on Twitter is the blue check mark. That’s right folks, while Elon is literally trying to take us to another planet, people are losing their minds over a little blue badge next to their name.

As news broke of SpaceX’s successful launch and landing of the Falcon 9 rocket, Twitter was abuzz with excitement, it wasn’t long before the conversation turned to the latest announcement from Elon that the blue check mark is no longer a free-for-all, and everyone will now have to pay for the privilege.

The billionaire entrepreneur and meme-lord himself has decided to take away the coveted blue check marks from all Twitter accounts, and boy, oh boy, are people not happy about it!

It’s like a scene straight out of “Lord of the Flies” – people scrambling to hold on to their precious symbols of status, all the while pretending that they don’t really care about it. Think about it – people were acting like the blue check didn’t matter, like it wasn’t the ultimate symbol of online prestige. But now that it’s gone, they’re all coming out of the woodwork, wailing and gnashing their teeth like a bunch of toddlers who just had their favorite toy taken away.

It’s hard to know what’s more absurd: the fact that people are actually upset about this or the fact that it’s happening on a day when we’re making incredible strides in space travel. We could be discussing the future of humanity on Mars, but instead, we’re talking about a tiny symbol of status on a social media platform.

What’s perhaps the most amusing part of all this is the timing. Elon Musk chose April 20th – a.k.a. “420" – to take away the blue check marks. Now, for those of you who aren’t familiar with this date, it’s a sort of unofficial holiday for marijuana enthusiasts all over the world. And what better way to celebrate this day than by taking away something that people are really attached to? It’s like the ultimate prank, and I have to say, I’m here for it.

A lot of people are saying that they don’t care about losing their blue ticks, but let’s be honest, we all know they’re lying. It’s like when your ex tells you they’re over you, but then they keep texting you at 2am. Deep down, they all want that blue tick. It’s like a little pat on the back that says, “Hey, you’re important. People care what you have to say.” But now, thanks to Elon Musk, that pat on the back is gone.

I would argue that Elon Musk is the good guy in this scenario. He is doing us all a favor by showing us how easily we can be swayed by symbols and how quickly we can turn on someone who takes them away. Don’t forget, Elon Musk is the king of making unconventional moves that pay off in the end. From launching a car into space to selling flamethrowers, he knows how to create buzz and turn heads.

In all seriousness, though, take a moment to reflect on our obsession with symbols and validation in the digital world. Always remember that our worth is not determined by the symbols next to our usernames, but by the content we create and the impact we have on the world.

So, what’s the solution to all this blue check drama, you ask? Well, it’s quite simple, really. Just pay Elon Musk eight dollars, and voila! You’ll have your precious blue check mark back. It’s a small price to pay for validation, isn’t it? And let’s be real, you’re probably spending more than that on groceries anyway. So, why not invest in your online self-worth? Plus, who knows, maybe Elon will even throw in a free flamethrower. Just kidding, I’m sure he’d never do something so reckless…again.

As we look to the stars and dream of a future on Mars, let’s not forget the lesson of the blue check mark. In the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter. But if you still want one, just remember: pay $8.


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The Snarky Wonk

✍🏼 for Those Who Like Their Politics, Pop Culture, and Cinema with a Side of Sass. I play with Davinci’s resolve.