The Snarky Wonk
3 min readJun 28, 2023


Support Group Formed for Social Media Users Addicted to Unraveling Innocent Posts.

Picture this: You’re scrolling through your feed, seeking a momentary escape from the absurdity of the world, when you stumble upon a post that tickles your funny bone. You decide to bask in the joy of this fleeting moment, hitting that “like” button & dropping a light hearted jolly comment with gusto. Little do you know, however, that beneath the surface, a hidden army of social media sleuths awaits, ready to pounce on your innocent gesture and dig up your darkest secrets.

Image: @h_underthetree via Twitter.

Within seconds, the comment section becomes a battleground, with amateur analysts donning their imaginary deerstalkers and plunging headfirst into the depths of your innocent post. They sift through the words, emojis, and even the tiniest pixel, searching for hidden meanings as if they were unlocking the Da Vinci Code. You almost expect them to unveil a global conspiracy involving lizard people and subliminal messaging. Self-appointed analysts dissecting every word, emoji, and punctuation mark, searching for the hidden meaning. They twist and contort, spinning tales of woe and scandal out of thin air, all while ignoring the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the post was made to elicit a jolly good laugh.

It’s as if social media users have become the modern-day Sherlock Holmes, determined to uncover the truth behind every seemingly trivial post. They skillfully weave narratives of personal trauma, projecting their own wounds onto others. Suddenly, a simple cat video becomes an indictment of feline rights violations, and a cheerful selfie is scrutinized for signs of existential crisis. How about that picturesque vacation photo? It’s obviously a cry for help, a desperate plea for meaning in a world gone mad.

It’s like a virtual game of Operation, except instead of removing body parts, we’re surgically extracting any shred of humor. But hey, who needs laughter when we can dissect posts like a bunch of digital forensic scientists? These intrepid social media sleuths are masters of projection. They’re like magicians, pulling personal traumas out of thin air and waving them in your face like some twisted form of online therapy. It’s as if our DNA compels us to read between the lines and transform harmless banter into a full-blown national crisis.

When did we become so entangled in the intricacies of social media that we’ve forgotten how to take a joke, old chap? Is this relentless search for hidden meanings in innocent posts an outlet for our unaddressed pain? Or are we simply lacking meaningful engagement and purpose in our lives, resorting to dissecting social media posts like FBI agents with too much free time? Or have we simply lost touch with reality, so engrossed in the virtual world that we’ve forgotten how to recognize a harmless post when it slaps us in the face with a rubber chicken?

Perhaps it’s time to divert our energy into something more productive. Instead of playing Sherlock Holmes in a never-ending cycle of misinterpretation, let’s try, oh, I don’t know, knitting! Imagine the joy of creating something cozy while sparing innocent posts from our digital dissections. Or hey, how about extreme ironing? It’s like regular ironing, but with adrenaline!

Let’s release innocent posts from the clutches of overthinking and find solace in the absurdity of life. Because when it comes down to it, social media was meant to bring us together, not tear us apart with overanalyzing and unearthing past traumas.

But hey, who am I to dictate the rules of our quirky social media nation? Just a humble observer armed with a keyboard and an insatiable appetite for sarcasm. So, I bid you farewell as I embark on my own perilous journey, deciphering the cryptic messages hidden within photos of people’s breakfast. Wish me luck, for it is a task only the bravest of souls can undertake with a stiff upper lip and a dash of eccentricity.

Disclaimer: If you recognize yourself in any of these descriptions, take a moment to laugh it off and remember that life is too short to dissect the doings and undoings of Davido’s sexual prowess. Plus, there are way more exciting things to do, like painting your toenails or training your goldfish or I don’t know, finding love?

Say Hi 👋🏽



The Snarky Wonk

✍🏼 for Those Who Like Their Politics, Pop Culture, and Cinema with a Side of Sass. I play with Davinci’s resolve.